DOAG DevCamp2016: Oracle Development Cloud Service Hands On by Timo Hahn (Part 2)
In part 1 of this series we talked about the Oracle Development Cloud Service (DCS) in general terms and what we plan to do. This part describes the migration of an application developed for an earlier version of JDeveloper to version 12.1.3 and how to move it into the cloud.
As a test case we use the sample application provided by the Rapid Development Kit which shows a sample on how to easily develop modern, scalable applications using the Alta UI. The image below shows the landing page of the application with the splash screen. The running application can be seen at
In Part 1 we already downloaded the source of the application, created the DCS project, assigned users to the project and initialized the GIT repository for the application in the DCS. The next step is to migrate the application which was designed using JDeveloper to JDeveloper version 12.1.3 which we use in the DCS.
Before we start we checkout a new branch named ‘develop’ from the GTI repository. This allows us to work outside the ‘master’ branch. When we finished the migration we can merge the changes back to the master. This resembles the GIT Flow pattern (see ‘The Git Experience (Part 4)’).
Migrating is as simple as to open the project in your local JDeveloper 12.1.3 and let JDeveloper do an automatic migration. There are some things which have to be changed in the sources as JDeveloper can’t do them automatically.
- We check the libraries used in each of the projects of the AppsCloudUIKit workspace. Make sure that there are no red marked libraries as this would mean that the library is not available in the current defined libraries. If we see one of those (e.g. JSF1.2 which is JSF2.1 in 12.1.3) we need to find an equivalent library for 12.1.3 and choose this instead.
- We compile each project and correct any errors we find in the compile window. There are some warnings which we let go for the moment. They tell us that the UI uses some tags or components which have been deprecated in JDeveloper 12.1.3. The components are still available but we should exchange them with the new components in the future. When we compile the projects we have to follow a specific order, the dependency of the project. There is a common project ‘UIKitCommon’ which is used in all other projects. This project holds the foundation of the application. Once the project compiles we have to create an adfLibrary from it which is used in the other projects. For this we right click on the project and select ‘Deploy’->’adflibUIKitCommon…’ and follow the instructions.
- We need to setup the data used for the application. The application doesn’t use a DB in this version. All data is created and served via POJO Java classes. All of them reside in the ‘DemoData’ project. We compile this project and create an ADF library from it like we did for the ‘UIKitCommon’ project.
- We compile and deploy (to adfLibrary) the other projects in this order: ‘DemoCRM’, ‘DemoHCM’, ‘DemoFIN’ and finally ‘DemoMaster’. The ‘DemoMaster’ project create an EAR File which can be deployed to a standalone server.
After this we can run the application in our local server integrated in JDeveloper and see if it works (see the image above). Once this is verified we save all changes in the GIT repository and push them to the cloud based remote GIT Repository. This is like working with any other remote GIT repository, no difference in usage. After this the landing page of the DCS project shows the trail of work as in the image below.
Using the collaboration features
One really nice thing about the DCS is the integrated collaboration features like a wiki page, an issue tracker like Jira and an agile board where we can plan sprints to track the progress of the project.
We create a wiki page to collect all decisions made during development and generating documentation this way. This will help members to understand the project and how they are supposed to work with the project. New members added to the project at a later point in time can use this wiki to understand the project and how to work with the team.
The image below show the start wiki page of the project
and add some basic information about the project. Later we add more info about who we changed the project and how to setup the build system.
The wiki supports cascading pages too. We add a page describing the build system to the project. This allows other team members to efficiently use the build system on the DCS. We talk about details of the build system and how to use it in the next part.
Agile Development
The DCS supports agile development. The tab ‘Agile’ opens a sprint planning view to the project. This is a very neat feature. Teams can use this to plan their tasks and track their progress. Here we can create issues (tasks, feature or issues) which first end up in the bag log. We can create sprints and assign the issues to sprints.
We can work like in e.g. Jira, we drag issues from the backlog to the sprint
to add the issue to the sprint
If you like you can change the agile board, e.g. add progress states
Finally we can start the sprint by defining the start and end date. Once a sprint is started we can look at the active sprint to see the tasks in their different states. This view allows drag & drop to make it easy to change the status of a task.
Once all tasks are finished we can complete the sprint.
A look at the ‘Issues’ tab shows the finished work.
All this works out of the box. As a teaser I added a couple of images from the DCS team feature when they are integrated in JDeveloper 12.2.1
When the DCS supports JDeveloper 12.2.1 the integration to the agile board and issue tracker is as simple as logging into the DCS. No hassle setting up a team server and all other needed software and their adapters.
This concludes the second part of the series. The next part reveals details about the build system.
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