
While upgrading APEX 4.1 to APEX 5.0 on database and Oracle Embedded PL/SQL Gateway (EPG) an issue occurred. The installation didn’t work anymore. Following message was displayed before the login page was even loaded:

APEX 5 Upgrade Issue notification

Error popup before login page is displayed

The message says, in essence, that the static files of the APEX installation cannot be found. There is a solution shipped with the installation files, a script named apex_epg_config.sql. Run this and by this reconfigure the EPG. This should fix the APEX 5 upgrade issue.


  1. Navigate to a directory where you unzipped the APEX sources.
  2. Login to database as user with sysdba priviliges using sqlplus.
  3. Execute the folling command in sqlplus, the directory shown here is an example. You have to enter the directory in which you unzipped the Apex sources.
@apex_epg_config.sql /app/oracle/apex

After that the issues with the configuration of the static files should be solved. The steps

You can find a detailed description in the documentation