While upgrading APEX 4.1 to APEX 5.0 on database and Oracle Embedded PL/SQL Gateway (EPG) an issue occurred. The installation didn’t work anymore. Following message was displayed before the login page was even loaded:
The message says, in essence, that the static files of the APEX installation cannot be found. There is a solution shipped with the installation files, a script named apex_epg_config.sql. Run this and by this reconfigure the EPG. This should fix the APEX 5 upgrade issue.
- Navigate to a directory where you unzipped the APEX sources.
- Login to database as user with sysdba priviliges using sqlplus.
- Execute the folling command in sqlplus, the directory shown here is an example. You have to enter the directory in which you unzipped the Apex sources.
@apex_epg_config.sql /app/oracle/apex
After that the issues with the configuration of the static files should be solved. The steps
You can find a detailed description in the documentation
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